Something Wicked #10 is OUT NOW

Hey boys and girls!

My first printed work has finally been released today and although it's not the first story I ever had accepted by FutureQuake Press, it is the first of them to be printed (this was my second story to be accepted).

The story, Dinner Date, is two pages long and features artwork from the very talented Mr. Darren Stephens (2000 AD, The Psychedelic Journal of Time Travel), I'd tell you more but I'd rather you read it... Plus, it's two pages long. So if I tell you anything, I'll probably give the ending away, haha...

I'll be putting the script and artwork up here once the book sells out but until then, you'll have to wait!

If you can't wait for it, go and buy yourself a copy of SOMETHING WICKED #10 by following this link right HERE. It's 48 pages for £4 (PLUS P+P), which is pretty neat.

Finally... I'd like to take the opportunity to thank everyone involved in the production of the book, Darren Stephens for drawing it (I honestly thought, due to the content of the story, that this would never see the light of day!) Dave Evans for accepting it in the first place and eventually publishing it, my friends and family for showing an interest in what I was doing and lastly, anyone reading this right now. You've obviously shown an interest in what I've been doing, otherwise you wouldn't be here. Shout out to all my Twitter and Facebook people also! You're the best.

Until next time...

Something Wicked #10 is OUT NOW Something Wicked #10 is OUT NOW Reviewed by Lurker on 14:55:00 Rating: 5

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